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How do I visit my site before the domain propagates?
How do I visit my site before the domain propagates? You can visit your hosting account before...
How long will it take before my domain is working?
Once you have ordered your domain through Hosting Scene, allow 24 hours to pass before your...
I purchased my domain through you. Who owns it?
When you purchase a domain through us the domain is 100% yours. This means that if you decide to...
Should I keep a backup?
Absolutely! Keeping your own backup of your web hosting account is a great way to keep your mind...
What is a 404 error?
Error 404 indicates that you are requesting a file or a directory that does not exist on the...
What is domain propagation?
Propagation is the period of time, or delay, involved in sending your domain's address...
What is my absolute path?
/home/username/public_html/Be sure to replace username with your cPanel username.
What nameservers should I use for my domain?
Please look at the welcome e-mail you were sent when signing up for a hosting account. If you no...
Will I be able to access my site without the "www."?
Yes, you will be able to access your domain with or without the "www." This means that if a user...

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